CA 7 uses many combination of commands referred to a 'Top Line Commands'. Each command has a variety of keywords within their syntax. These commands can be labor intensive and must be reentered as needed. To reduce or eliminate the need to type out each command, CA 7 offers a /FETCH command that retrieves top line commands entered since the last /Logon.
WA CA 7 Edition
Commands entered on the top line are stored in a buffer known as a command ring. The number of commands stored in the command ring by default is 5 and the value can be changed from 1 to 10 in the MAXRINGSZ= keyword on the OPTIONS statement in the CA 7 Initialization file.
Issuing the /FETCH retrieves the last top line command entered and repeated executions of /FETCH retrieve commands that are stored in the command ring, from most recent to oldest .
By default, PF02 key is set to perform the /FETCH command for ease of use.
To change the PF key assignment, enter:
Once all PF Keys have been entered, you must enter /PROF,K=SAVE to save your settings to your CA 7 terminal profile.
Issue the /DISPLAY,ST=KEY to verify the changes made.