Is it feasible to migrate from Selcopy to CA Easytrieve?
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Is it feasible to migrate from Selcopy to CA Easytrieve?


Article ID: 107801


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


Is it feasible to migrate from CBL's Selcopy to CA Easytrieve? Is there any recommended process or an conversion tool?


Component: EZTRVE


It should be possible to replace CBL's Selcopy by CA Easytrieve, but CA Technologies does not have any conversion process or tool to convert Selcopy sources to CA Easytrieve sources.
While some statements are looking very similar, other statements have to be completely re-coded.
Like "MOVE 17 FROM 101 TO 17 AT 320" - here you likely have to use CA Easytrieve's "Array Processing" instead.
However, it's possible to read/update/create z/OS ordinary data sets as well as CA IDMS, CA Datacom/DB, IMS, DB2 and Oracle Data Bases and VSAM files.
CA Easytrieve works on many platforms like z/OS, Unix, Linux, AIX, Windows and some more.