CA Identity Manager: Where are RACFv1 connector logs located
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CA Identity Manager: Where are RACFv1 connector logs located


Article ID: 107735


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


The RACF v1 endpoint is IMPS endpoint, it does not use either the JCS or CCS to communicate with the endpoint. When you enable endpoint logging those logs show up in a folder under their respective connector server. However, since this endpoint type uses neither, the logs are not there. 

To enable endpoint logging, the following steps are taken: Go into Provisioning Manager > endpoints > RACF > selected the endpoint > Open endpoint properties > Enable the logging tab 


Component: IDMGR


The RACF v1 connector does not generate typical endpoint logs, in the sense that you will not find a folder labeled RACF with your endpoint logs inside of it anywhere on your system. Instead, Identity Manager outputs information about your RACFv1 endpoints to the etayyyymmdd.log which you can find under the \Identity Manager\Provisioning Server\logs folder.