When the DBMaint script executes, it runs several underlying scripts that include:
1. collecting job statistics
2. archiving event, job runs, autotrack, and job information from the AEDB
3. collecting database statistics
By default, DBMaint runs everyday and writes to an output log called DBMaint.out, located in the $AUTOUSER/out (%AUTOUSER%\out) directory.
There are times when the Compliance Application will not complete successfully during a DBMaint execution. Typically, the failure to complete is due to a database connectivity issue:
CAUAJM_I_85000 Compliance Application running
CAUAJM_E_85100 Unable to open database connection.
Error details:
* IO Error: could not resolve the connect identifier "orcl"
CAUAJM_E_85002 Compliance Application terminated with error [100]
If the Compliance Application doesn't complete successfully, this DOES NOT impact the DBMaint from archiving the AEDB and performing the database statistics successfully.
You can disable the Compliance Application execution. This will prevent errors from an unsuccessful execution from appearing in the DBMaint.out file.
Do the following:
1. Navigate to the $AUTOSYS/bin directory
2. vi into the DBMaint script
3. Find the heading #Compliance Application
4. Add a (#) in front of cmplapp.sh
5. Add a (#) in front of ecode
6. Save the file
7. As a test, manually execute the DBMaint script (./DBMaint) - check the DBMaint.out file to confirm there are no messages/errors about the Compliance Application
1. Using File Explorer/Windows Explorer, navigate to the %AUTOSYS%\bin directory
2. Use Notepad to edit the DBMaint.bat file
3. Find the heading @REM Compliance Application
4. In the line right below the heading, type REM between the (@) and call
5. In the next line, type REM in front of if not
6. Save the file
7. As a test, manually execute the DBMaint.bat file - check the DBMaint.out file to confirm there are no messages/errors about the Compliance Application
NOTE: You can run the Compliance Application manually, outside of DBMaint.
NOTE: Disabling the Compliance Application DOES NOT affect the logging of errors and messages that come from archiving the AEDB and/or running database statistics.
Click here for more information about the Compliance Application.
Click here for more information about DBMaint.
Click here for more information about database statistics (dbstatistics).