SORTWORK datasets can NOT ever be adjusted by ASR logic including DIF/RTF variables &RB and &MP. All SORT programs will dynamically adjust the sortwork space as it needs and they can not tolerate program, or allocation product adjustments. So, if you encounter B37s on SORTWORKs, you will have to modify the space allocation and rerun.
Additional Information
The following are example rules that can be added to your ASRs so that sortwork data sets will not be processed by DIF/RTF. Rule to add to FILTLIST.. --------------------------------------- FILTLIST &EXCLSORT INCLUDE ( SORTWK*,STATWK*,DATAWK*,DA%%WK*,ST%%WK*,SW%%WK*)
Rule to add to ALLOC, EXTEND and EOV before the DIF statements, SET &RB=nn and SET &MP=nn... ------------------------------------------------------ IF &DD EQ &EXCLSORT THEN EXIT CODE(0)
Please note that only the sortworks can not be adjusted by ASRs or DIF/RTF. The SORTOUTs are just like any other data set and can be adjusted by ASRs or DIF/RTF.
Please contact CA Technical Support if any questions.