How can we send multiple emails notification for a single alarm
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How can we send multiple emails notification for a single alarm


Article ID: 107583


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe


We have a need to have multiple teams notified on certain UIM alarms that are generated. Can NAS probe send an email alert to two configured email addresses at once?


  • UIM 20.3.x and above 
  • NAS 9.0 and Later
  • emailgtw 2.84 and later


Yes, there are multiple ways the nas can be configured to send emails to multiple recipients at the same time.

You can use an specific email distribution list
In the nas AO EMAIL profile you can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.

Creating or Editing a Profile

emailgtw probe profiles
You can specify multiple group email profiles that are setup in the emailgtw probe, e.g., Admins, Operators, NOC, SOC, etc. Each email profile can contain one or more email addresses.

emailgtw IM Configuration