API Gateway: Certificate key usage or extended key usage disallowed
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API Gateway: Certificate key usage or extended key usage disallowed


Article ID: 107561


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


The below error is observed in the SSG log

2020-04-28T10:41:48.533-0700 WARNING 1439 com.l7tech.external.assertions.xmlsec.server.ServerNonSoapEncryptElementAssertion: 4: Unable to encrypt elements(s): Certificate key usage or extended key usage disallowed by key usage enforcement policy for activity: encryptXml.  Exception caught!


API Gateway 9.x


The error indicates that the certificate includes further attributes that the Gateway can't handle by default. These attributes are inserted for a specific purpose. In order to handle such attributes, there are two options:

1)  You can ignore key usage enforcement by setting the following cluster property:

pkix.keyUsage = IGNORE

Note: This will require a Gateway restart to go into effect.

More details about this cluster-wide property can be found here:


2) You can implement your own key usage enforcement policy based on the information here:
