During enrollment of the Gateway to the Portal, enrollment may fail and result in an 'Unable to enroll: RESTMAN' error. In particular the error will cite a 'UniqueKeyConflict' as seen below (as one such example):
Unable to enroll: RESTMAN failed with result=<class com.l7tech.policy.assertion.AssertionStatus: 0=FINE:No Error> httpStatus=409: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <l7:Mapping action="NewOrExisting" errorType="UniqueKeyConflict" srcId="############" type="TRUSTED_CERT"> <l7:Properties> <l7:Property key="ErrorMessage"> <l7:StringValue>(thumbprintSha1) must be unique</l7:StringValue> </l7:Property> </l7:Properties> </l7:Mapping>
This impacts all API Gateway versions that can be enrolled with supported versions of the API Developer Portal and API Management SaaS.
There are a few different possible root causes, depending on the situation. The most common causes are (but not limited to):
Cleaning up the Gateway will be required to ensure the conflicts are resolved.
To clean up the API Gateway after a failed enrollment:
To enroll the Gateway with Portal again after the cleanup steps are completed: