Why is an Update Complete Product List sometimes necessary after restoring a hidden product?
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Why is an Update Complete Product List sometimes necessary after restoring a hidden product?


Article ID: 107518


Updated On:


Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager)


Needed to do a "Get Latest Maintenance"  for a product that was cleaned up and hidden. Restored the product by clicking "Show Hidden Products", checking off the product  then clicking  "Show Products".
After the product was restored attempted a "Get Latest Maintenance" and received message: The product "product name" at release "release  number" is not available for the following site IDs: nnnnnn.
After doing an "Update Complete Product List" the "Get Latest Maintenance" then worked. For each product that was cleaned up and hidden and then restored must be followed by an "Update Complete Product List".
Why is it necessary to do an "Update Complete Product List" after restoring each product?


Component: MSM


 On the CA CSM database different products can be assigned to different site ids. The site id a product is assigned to is the result of the  state of what products are assigned to what site ids on your supportservices.ca.com account at the time the "Update Complete Product List" was done. Sometimes when sales accounting changes are made during renewal negotiations a product gets re-assigned to a different site id. 

When a product gets reassigned to an already existing site id or a new site id, a refresh with the "Update Complete Product List" is necessary.
This refresh will update the CA CSM database with the information that a product has been reassigned to a different site id. This bring the database in sync with what site id a product is now assigned to on supportservices.ca.com.

The reason why you have to run the "Update Complete Product List" after each "Show Product" to restore it back to the list, is because when a product is hidden CA CSM ignores it during the "Update Complete Product List". It will not update the database for products that are hidden.

Optionally you could restore them all at once from the hidden list and do the 'Update Complete Product List". This will prevent this failure for the current state of what products are assigned to what site ids on your supportservices.ca.com account.