All Uprocs triggered by the same Submission Account Abort at the same time and no Job Log is generated.
In universe.log:
||ERROR|X|USR|pid=p.t| UniUserCreateProcess | [3JOBUNIPRDX416059NODE_ID] CreateProcess failed: Access is denied. (0x5)
|ERROR|X|DQM|pid=p.t| o_dqm_lanc_batch | error [0] [XXX] calling service user for entry [YYY]
In the History Trace:
With no processing date
20180715181600 Submitted in BATCH Q: SYS_BATCH
under ENTRY N° : YYY
20180715181601 BATCH ending
Job aborted or killed during execution
20180715181601 Custom Return Code checked with the current return code :
20180715181601 *** TASK ENDED ABNORMALLY ***