CPU spike with VANWEBUI task
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CPU spike with VANWEBUI task


Article ID: 107494


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


The VANWEBUI task is experiencing high CPU usage.  What would be causing that?


Component: VANT


First, make sure you have the latest version of the Web Client. As of now 14.0.4 (PTF SS04168) is our latest version.

Most likely there is a user with many tabs or widgets and graphs, etc. We do not limit the number of these things although it will burden the system at a point if they are not kept down. So making sure to close out these things is recommended. Also some objects require more CPU than others like for ex. charts need more cpu power than tables.

Next, there is an object
CA Vantage Internal Management >> Users >> LU2USER
Table that will show you information about each user and you should be able pinpoint which user is taking up more cpu. the column "windows" will show how many open objects they have.

Additional Information

CA Vantage™ Storage Resource Manager - 14.0
