What does Sysview for Db2 solution SO00590 correct
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What does Sysview for Db2 solution SO00590 correct


Article ID: 107472


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


After reviewing Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) PTF SO00590 and comparing it with the panels the following observations were made:

Appears that IDB2 included the dynamic SQL statement in the output. This would be less useful than the current design.
It is difficult enough to find the offending statements now. The same statement occurs many times in the list, and often when trying to ‘Retrieve SQL Text’,
the following is displayed: REQUEST: DYNSQLTX - Cached dynamic SQL statement, Selected dynamic SQL statement not available.
Could the detail screen summarize the individual statements so 1 statement does not have 1000 entries in the list to scroll through.


Solution SO00590 streamlines the exception system reporting of Incompatible SQL exceptions. Therefore, instead of getting many "CHAR(DEC)" exceptions
for SYSLH200 (each for a different statement ID), there  will now only be one. However, the INCOMPTD report is a collection of every IFCID 376 produced for
an SQL incompatibility, so it can get quite long, especially if packages  "SYSSHnnn" and "SYSLHnnn" haven't be bound yet. Finally, the ability to navigate from
the INCOMPTD request to the Dynamic SQL cache only works if the statement is still in the cache. If the average life of a statement in the cache is very short,
it will be likely seen. IDB2 has attempted to address this problem in release r20 by creating a Dynamic SQL history file. After upgrading to IDB2 r20, IDB2 will
now show the statement in the dynamic statement cache if it is still there, but if it is not there IDB2 will retrieve it from our SQL history file
(if we have captured a copy of it).