Many user exits and some selected modules can now be refreshed without the need to stop and start the CA 11 DBAS. In addition, selected fields in the configuration deck can now be updated dynamically with the REFRESH command. The most common CA 11 REFRESH commands are CONFDD, CONFDSN, and MODULES.
The REFRESH CONFDD command allows you to dynamically change config file parameters. It uses the config file from the current startup of DBAS and is perhaps the most use since once changed and refreshed it is picked up with the next startup of DBAS.
The command format is comchar as follows:
DDNAME specifies the ddname of an allocated file in the DBAS started task such as SYSIN. An example of the command follows:
To view the fields eligible to be refreshed in the config file issue the following command:
These examples assume comchar value is the equal sign. Please note that it is recommended to use this command while DBAS is in SUSPEND mode.
The REFRESH CONFDSN command also allows you to dynamically change config file parameters. The command format is as follows:
The config dsname should specifies a fully qualified dataset name and should be a full configuration file with changed parameters. An example of the commands follows:
This example assumes the comchar value is the equal sign. Please note that it is recommended to use this command while DBAS is in SUSPEND mode.
The REFRESH MODULE command reloads modules that were previously loaded by the DBAS address space. The refresh module command can be used to update changes to user exits and the CA 11 U11OPT option table as well as refresh modules for any PTF whose descriptions mentions to use the REFRESH MODULE command. Previously such changes required that the DBAS task be stop and restarted.
The Command format is as follows:
Name specifies the module name to be refreshed. To view a list of modules eligible to be refreshed you may use the following example:
This example assumes the comchar value is the equal sign.
For further information about the DBAS REFRESH command, please refer to the following manual:
As always, please contact Broadcom support for Workload Automation Restart Option for z/OS Schedulers if you have further questions.