Where can I download the Workload Automation AE (AutoSys) product installation media?
Release: Component: ATSYS
Verify the version of Workload Automation AE that you wish to download and install in your environment is compatible with the Database and Operating System that you will be installing or upgrading the product on, by referencing page the AutoSys Workload Automation Compatibility Matrix in the product documentation.
Using the search box provided at the top of the page, search for AUTOSYS WORKLOAD AUTOMATION.
Click on the AUTOSYS WORKLOAD AUTOMATION product that is populated below the search box.
On the resulting page, look for the product AutoSys Workload Automation Server MULTI-PLATFORM and click on it to expand the product listing. Note: There are additional available options that you may see other than this one, which include: CA Workload Automation AE Server WINDOWS-ALL, CA Workload Automation AE Server - FOC WINDOWS-ALL, etc They're all the same so just choose one.
Click on any of the available releases listed. This will load the page containing the ISO images for you to download.
Click on the Download icon (cloud with arrow pointing down) to download the product.