How to use Endevor AUTOGEN option for Processors
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How to use Endevor AUTOGEN option for Processors


Article ID: 10705


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


If using include objects in a  processor and these components are developed during compilation, would the AUTOGEN function provide any benefit and where can the doc on this feature be found?


All support releases 



1 - Create a specific type for includes used by PROCESSORs.

2 - Edit the Global Type Sequence (GTS) table defined in the site-specific parameter TYPESEQMBR of the C1DEFLTS.

2a - Define the new type at the first place of the table.

2b - Define the type PROCESS at the second place of the table.

2c - Save the table.

3 - Run a test with traces //EN$TRAUN DD SYSOUT=*  and //EN$TRAUT DD SYSOUT=*.  


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