Role Replace calculations such as Remaining Allocation and Availability
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Role Replace calculations such as Remaining Allocation and Availability


Article ID: 107039


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How are Role Replace calculations such as Remaining Allocation and Availability Determined in Clarity?


Remaining Allocation:

Role allocation (Defaults to Hours or availability per day Xs # of days) - Resource Availability (hours per day) X # of days 

Using the example of a role available 8 hours per day and the resource available 7.5 hours per day (that the role is being replaced with), the calculation would be as follows:
(8 X 5 = 40) – (7.5 X 5 – 37.5) = 2.5

Availability Match:

The number of hours the user is available to work during the period divided by the Availability of the role assigned to the project * 100 
So, in the example above it would be (37.5 / 40) * 100 = 93.75%