Find PTF RO94347 under Support Online
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Find PTF RO94347 under Support Online


Article ID: 106927


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


What are the instructions to find PTF RO94347 under Support Online to then download?


Component: Easytrieve Report Generator
Release:  11.6


  1. To get the RO94347 PTF,

    1. Sign into Support Online
    2. Under the menu, select the "My Download" tab. 
    3. Type in "Easytrieve" for the product, and it will come up to then be selected.
    4. Select "Solution" tab. 
    5. Again, the filter will now ask for the exact product in the listing of the Easytrieve group of products:
        Easytrieve Report Generator MVS
    6. Clicking on "release 11.6" will bring up a screen where the Solution ID can then be entered. 
    7. Typing in " RO94347" will retrieve the PTF, which can then be added to the cart or just downloaded.