How to list the entire RDT record with one ldapsearch command?
- The following ldapsearch command will list the entire RDT record:
./ldapsearch -D cn=admin -w xxxxx -H ldap://yourhost:389 -b "tssadmingrp=RDT,host=yourhost,o=ca,c=us" -s one > listRDT.out
-You will have in the file listRDT.out something as it follows (this is an excerpt)
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <tssadmingrp=RDT,host=yourhost,o=ca,c=us> with scope oneLevel
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL
# ABSTRACT, RDT, yourhost, ca, us
dn: tssRDTRecord=ABSTRACT,tssadmingrp=RDT,host=yourhost,o=ca,c=us
objectClass: tssRDTRecord
ResourceCode: 0E4
ShortPermitName: Y
MaxPermissionLength: 008
PermissionResourceNameLength: 008
CallInstallationExit: Y
PrivilegedProgramSupport: Y
OwnershipResourceNameLength: 08
GenericResource: Y
# APPCLU, RDT, yourhost, ca, us
dn: tssRDTRecord=APPCLU,tssadmingrp=RDT,host=yourhost,o=ca,c=us
objectClass: tssRDTRecord
tssRDTRecord: APPCLU
ResourceCode: 09D
MaxPermissionLength: 026
PermissionResourceNameLength: 026
OwnershipResourceNameLength: 08
DefaultAccess: READ
GenericResource: Y
*** End Of Excerpt ***
and so on for each resource class defined within the Top secret RDT (Resource Descriptor Table).