As of today there is no check for stopping the debugger in Plex built application execution. On other hand this feature is quite useful to debug the generated code for any error/crash.
As part of a workaround, invoking following two Source code objects will help in achieving the desired results.
Within Plex C++ application, implement the following two source code objects.
Source code object #1.
- Create source code object with following source code.
Note: Call this source code object in startup of your application.
//This API will change the application behavior in abnormal termination. Following API call suppresses the system Windows Error Reporting dialog.
// SetErrorMode function -
// Controls whether the system will handle the specified types of serious errors or whether the process will handle them.
// SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX - The system does not display the Windows Error Reporting dialog.
Source code object #2.
- Create source code object with following source code.
Note: Call this source code object in some common function which keeps getting invoked/executed in your application.
//This code will check whether application is being debugged – if so, terminate the process.
If ( IsDebuggerPresent() ) //If application/process is being debugged. Try to terminate the process.
DWORD pId = GetCurrentProcessId(); //Get application process id.
CString strMsg;
strMsg.Format("No debugging allowed! Terminating the process as being debugged, ProcessID: '%d' ", pId);