"A duplicate key violation has occurred" errors when trying to import workpoint.zip using archive.bat. When designer.bat is used for import, the error is the same. IdCheck says that no errors were detected.
When importing Workpoint definition from another Workpoint server, following situations are possible.
1. The receiving Workpoint db is new and empty:
You have to import with "treat all objects as new objects."
2. The receiving Workpoint db is not empty and contains exact same definitions as the initial Workpoint db that has been modified and exported.
You have to import with "overwrite existing objects."
3. The receiving Workpoint db is not empty and contains different definitions than the Workpoint db that has been modified and exported.
You have to import with "treat all objects as new objects."
Best Practices steps to modify Workpoint process are:
1- Export Workpoint process definitions from the Production environment System ;
2- Import definitions from Step 1 into an empty Dev Workpoint Server ;
3- Modify the Workpoint process definitions on the Dev Workpoint environment ;
4- Export the modified Workpoint definitions from the Dev Workpoint environment ;
5- Import the modified Workpoint definitions into the Production environment System ;
You should be then able to use the "overwrite existing objects" option which assumes the both Workpoint servers (the one used to create/modify the workflow definitions and the one which will be updated by the importation) have initially the exact same Workflow process definitions. (situation 2 previously explained).
However it is important when importing the modified Workpoint definitions into the Production environment System (step 5) that there is no pending Jobs related to the modified Workpoint process.
Depending on the modification, changing Workpoint process definition "on the fly" for running job could cause unexpected behavior.