After execution of caf register command, AM Agent is automatically executed. If a lot of caf register are done every day, this could generate several execution of AM Agent and generates lot of inventory files to be collected on sector.
In this article is explained how to disable the execution of AM Agent after caf register command.
Client Automation - All Versions
By default caf register command is automatically executed at these times :
This could generate a lot of executions of "caf register" per day and lot of executions of AM Agent.
AM Agent is also executed every day at 1am + a random delay of 90 minutes (scheduled task "Run the UAM agent")
Following command could be executed on the agents in order to remove the execution of amagent plugin at the end of "caf register" process :
ccnfcmda -cmd SetParameterValue -ps itrm/agent/solutions/uam -pn postregistrationplugin -v ""
This command could be executed on all machines using a SD Package or a AM job of type Command.
Example for AM Job :