Wildfly server taking long time to start
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Wildfly server taking long time to start


Article ID: 106871


Updated On: 07-31-2018


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


While starting the application server we noticed that the process takes an extremely long time. The process used to take 10 minutes but is now taking nearly 30. In the logs we noticed the following message.

"13:42:54,724 WARN [org.hornetq.core.server] (Thread-16 (HornetQ-remoting-threads-HornetQServerImpl::serverUUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXX)) Sending unexpected exception to the client: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Record is too large to store 10478" 

What steps can be performed to resolve this issue?


Identity Manager
Wildfly Application Server


The increased time for startup is due to the excessive messages that are being processed due to this "Record is too large to store 10478". In order to resolve this please attempt these steps.

1) Open your standalone-full-ha.xml files for each node on the cluster.
2) Update the value under "<journal-file-size>". You should notice the value listed here is smaller than the number in your log file.
3) Increase the value to a number larger such as "102400"
4) Restart the Jboss/Wildfly Application server.

At this point those WARN messages should be gone and you should notice an increased boot time.