When trying to remove a PROFILE from an acid, if that acid is not connected to the PROFILE,
do not see any error for this command in the result of.
- The correct syntax to REMOVE a PROFILE with LDAP for z/OS is:
ldapmodify -c -h YOURHOST -p nnnn -D cn=admin01 -w xxxxxxxx -x -f admin01_rem_profile.ldif
Ldif file is below:
changetype: delete
If the PROFILE is not connected to the acid, you will receive the following messages:
deleting entry "tssproflist=profldap,tssacidgrp=proflist,tssacid=myacid,tssadmin
ldap_delete: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80)
additional info: LDP2507E TSS error issuing TSS REMOVE(myacid) PROFILE(profldap)(TSS0346E PROFILE/GROUP NOT FOUND)