Error Staging Long Test: Timeout - on method stageModelArchive
Article ID: 106833
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CA Application TestService Virtualization
When staging a long test that reads data from EXCEL Workbook it times out
I am able to run it from ITR and doing a quick stage locally but not on the remote server. Getting the below error while staging.
java.rmi.RemoteException: Timeout (60,000 ms, actual wait 60,019 ms) on server object tcp://<IPaddress>:2011/15E78E6B0A9D11E8A61CFA163ECE9063 on method startTest at at
All supported DevTest Environments.
By default, a data set is global. the coordinator server is responsible for providing data to all the test steps. Global data sets are created once and shared by all simulators. If simulator server is on a different machine and with Dataset set to default ( Global), it would cause a lot of overhead on the Simulator trying to retrieve data from the Coordinator and also face network latencies
You can make the data set local by selecting the Local check box while building the data set.
Additional Information
Refer to section "Global and Local Data Sets" in the version of DevTest you are running.