Back out Plan for Applying Maintenance to OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Back out Plan for Applying Maintenance to OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 106828


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


What is the recommended method if we need to restore from backup with Web Viewer 12.1 after applying maintenance?


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Apache Derby
  • Apache Tomcat


The Backup directory for Cumulative Maintenance

We recommend using the backup that is made during the maintenance install. You are prompted on whether to backup when installing a maintenance build.

The backup directory contains the two Web Viewer .war files. Backups are by default stored in 

....../CA_OM_Web_Viewer/backups   (.....\CA_OM_Web_Viewer\backups )

Before backing out Cumulative Maintenance

  1. IMPORTANT: If you are using internal Derby, you need to backup:
    as well. 
  2. If you have a custom security exit, back that up also.

Instructions for Back out of Cumulative Maintenance

  1. Stop the Tomcat Service
  2. In your <Tomcat Path>/webapps directory
    1. – delete the /CAOMWebViewer12 and /castylesr5.1.3 folders from the /webapps directory
    2. – copy the 2 war files CAOMWebViewer12.war and castylesr5.1.3.war files from the backup folder of choice into  the /webapps directory
  3. Restart the Tomcat Service
    1. – This will deploy the war files and create the new CAOMWebViewer12 and castylesr5.1.3 directories

Restore database and exit

  1. Restore the Derby database (if used)
  2. Restore the custom security exit (if used)

Instructions for Back out for Tomcat

  1. Stop the new Tomcat Service
  2. Start the previous Tomcat Service

Additional Information

If you are not using the internal Derby database, just ignore those lines about internal Derby. Your external database will not need any backup or back out.