How to restrict a user to deploy a VSM to the VSE?
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How to restrict a user to deploy a VSM to the VSE?


Article ID: 106826


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder)


How to restrict a user to deploy a Virtual Service to the VSE?


Component: ITKOVS


To not allow a user to deploy virtual services, we need to revoke the VSE Service Deployment permission from the Role the user is in. 
For more information regarding the standard permissions, use the link below:

1. With an admin user, log in to the DevTest Portal and go to Settings, Access Control, and select Roles.

2. Select the role you would like to remove the permission to deploy Virtual Services. 
3. In the right side, under Assigned, select VSE Service Administration under Virtual Services Administration. 
4. Revoke this entire set of permissions and Save the changes.

5. Then under Available, select each permission under the VSE Service Administration, but not the VSE Service Deployment.
6. Grant the selected permissions and Save the changes.

7. Login to the Workstation with the user you are testing. Select a VSM and right click, the Deploy option should not be available for this specific user.




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