We try to setup Database Session Store with 12.8.x Policy Server on Linux without using smconsole.
for updating the encrypted password in the sm.registry.
Release: R12.8.x
Component: SMPLC
You can use XPSConfig to do this.
Parameters related to Session Store :
34-DbSessionAdminName Type: String Scope: Managed
Desc: ODBC session store database
administrator's username.
Current Value:"smuser"
35-DbSessionAdminPassword Type: String Scope: Managed
Desc: ODBC session store database
administrator's password.
Current Value:(sensitive)
36-DbSessionDataSource Type: String Scope: Managed
Desc: The ODBC data source used by ODBC
session store.
Current Value:"sessionstore"
37-DbSessionMaxConnections Type: Numeric Scope: Managed
Desc: The maximal number of connections
to ODBC session store.
Current Value:"16"
38-DbSessionServerEnabled Type: Logical Scope: Managed
Desc: Indicates whether ODBC session
server is enabled.
> For example to modify the password.
PRODUCTS MENU*************************************************************CA
CDS - CertificateDataStore 12 Parameters
EPM - Enterprise Policy Management 3 Parameters
FED - Federation 3 Parameters
SM - SiteMinder 165 Parameters
XPS - Extensible Policy Store 25 Parameters
X - xTrace
Q - Quit
Enter Option (id or X or Q): SM
165-WorkerThreadPriorityRatio Type: Numeric Scope: Managed
Desc: The worker thread priority ratio,
from -100 to 100
Current Value:"0"
D - Hide Descriptions
V - Hide Values
F - Filter (currently none)
Q - Quit
Enter Option (D, V, F, # or Q): 35
PARAMETER MENU********************************CA.SM::$DbSessionAdminPassword
Name: DbSessionAdminPassword [CA.SM::$DbSessionAdminPassword]
Type: String (sensitive)
Scope: Managed
Export? yes
Report? no
Remote Access: None
Description: ODBC session store database administrator's password.
License Type: None
Current Value: (sensitive)
C - Change value
Q - Quit
Enter Option (C, or Q):C
Enter New Value: <enter new password>
PARAMETER MENU********************************CA.SM::$DbSessionAdminPassword
Name: DbSessionAdminPassword [CA.SM::$DbSessionAdminPassword]
Type: String (sensitive)
Scope: Managed
Export? yes
Report? no
Remote Access: None
Description: ODBC session store database administrator's password.
License Type: None
Current Value: (sensitive)
C - Change value
Q - Quit
Enter Option (C, or Q): Q
165-WorkerThreadPriorityRatio Type: Numeric Scope: Managed
Desc: The worker thread priority ratio,
from -100 to 100.
Current Value:"0"
D - Hide Descriptions
V - Hide Values
F - Filter (currently none)
Q - Quit
Enter Option (D, V, F, # or Q): Q
PRODUCTS MENU*************************************************************CA
CDS - CertificateDataStore 12 Parameters
EPM - Enterprise Policy Management 3 Parameters
FED - Federation 3 Parameters
SM - SiteMinder 165 Parameters
XPS - Extensible Policy Store 25 Parameters
X - xTrace
Q - Quit
Enter Option (id or X or Q): Q