IDADPSEP10E in use by user XXX is incorrect if first user was only DISPLAYing the pgm
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IDADPSEP10E in use by user XXX is incorrect if first user was only DISPLAYing the pgm


Article ID: 106344


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What is the meaning of IDADPSEP10E  message?



z/os, CA IDEAL for Datacom  14.0 and higher. 


If you get the IDADPSEP10E message with a user ID, but it has been verified the user is not editing the program, it means:

-1 There is a "ghost" copy of the program on VLS


-2 There is an abandoned IDEAL Session for that user.



PGM pgm name in use by user_user-id, please try later


The program PROCEDURE is being edited by the user specified.


Try again later or contact the user to verify they are still accessing the program in an edit session. If not, then that user should edit the program and expect to get a message to choose ROLLBACK or CHECKPOINT to recover a previously abended edit session



DISPLAY INDEX SESSION to find the user. The OPID in the D IND SES display is the ID in the IDADPSEP10E message.

VLSUTIL LIBRARY (or Dis Index member user @I$SRC)  listing for the IDEAL source file will show the PROGRAM MEMBER name with an " E" for the edit (or "ghost") copy. The "E" copy would be deleted at the end of an EDIT session.

If the IDEAL session ends abnormally, i.e. the WINDOW is closed without ending the edit and signing off IDEAL, the edit copy remains in VLS.

When the abandoned session for the TERMID is PURGEd (PURGE tttt command in IDEAL) or re-used by the same user, then that user will get the CHECKPOINT OR ROLLBACK message when they EDIT the program. 

If a user DISPLAYs PROGRAM that is not being EDITd by another user and does NOT have a "ghost" copy in VLS from a failed EDIT session,
   Then the 2nd user who tries to get exclusive control with EDIT PGM x will get the message IDADPSEP03E "PGM xxxx in used, please try later" without any USERID specified. 

Additional Information

See the following URL for more information about IDEAL and IPC:

IDADPSEP03 - PGM pgm-name VER nnn in use, please try later

Reason: You tried to access a program that is currently in use, and the command was rejected.

Action: Reattempt the command at a later time. If subsequent attempts are unsuccessful, contact your site administrator.