Wildfly needs to be configured to allow posting of files larger than 10485760 bytes (i.e. 10 MB) but with the virtual appliance you cannot directly modify the ca-standalone-full-ha.xml file so you need to follow the below steps to update the setting in the file to allow for larger files.
1) create a user inside of jboss
sudo /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/bin/add-user.sh -u <JBOSS_CLI_USER> -p <JBOSS_CLI_PASSWORD>
While changing the following to the values you choose:
For example:
sudo /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/bin/add-user.sh -u jbosscli -p jbosscli
The result will be something similar to this:
Added user <JBOSS_CLI_USER>' to file '/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/configuration/mgmt-users.properties'
Added user <JBOSS_CLI_USER>' to file '/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/domain/configuration/mgmt-users.properties'
2) Connect in jobsscli using this command:
/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect
This will ask for User and passord,
User the previously created in step1:
Authenticating against security realm: ManagementRealm
Username: <JBOSS_CLI_USER>
and if correct will get this command prompt:
[standalone@localhost:9990 /]
3) Issue the following command to set the max-post-size to 101943040 bytes instead of the default of 10485760 bytes:
4) You may also need to update the ajp listener as well with a command such as:
5) Issue the following reload command:
6) Exit the jbosscli prompt and check that the ca-standalone-full-ha.xml has been updated using following command:
grep max-post-size /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/configuration/ca-standalone-full-ha.xml
7) Stop and start IM using the following command:
8) Login in IM Management Console and try import the IME Role XML