Importing IME Role XML Gives Bad Gateway Error
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Importing IME Role XML Gives Bad Gateway Error


Article ID: 106334


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


When attempting to import an IME Role XML a Bad Gateway error is generated


IM 14.2 VApp


Wildfly by default will only allow posting a file up to 10485760 bytes (i.e. 10 MB)


Wildfly needs to be configured to allow posting of files larger than 10485760 bytes (i.e. 10 MB) but with the virtual appliance you cannot directly modify the ca-standalone-full-ha.xml file so you need to follow the below steps to update the setting in the file to allow for larger files.

1) create a user inside of jboss 

sudo /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/bin/ -u <JBOSS_CLI_USER> -p <JBOSS_CLI_PASSWORD> 

While changing the following to the values you choose: 


For example: 

sudo /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/bin/ -u jbosscli -p jbosscli 

The result will be something similar to this: 

Added user <JBOSS_CLI_USER>' to file '/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/configuration/' 
Added user <JBOSS_CLI_USER>' to file '/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/domain/configuration/' 

2) Connect in jobsscli using this command: 

/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/bin/ --connect 

This will ask for User and passord, 
User the previously created in step1: 

Authenticating against security realm: ManagementRealm 
Username: <JBOSS_CLI_USER> 

and if correct will get this command prompt: 

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] 

3) Issue the following command to set the max-post-size to 101943040 bytes instead of the default of 10485760 bytes: 



4) You may also need to update the ajp listener as well with a command such as:


5) Issue the following reload command: 


6) Exit the jbosscli prompt and check that the ca-standalone-full-ha.xml has been updated using following command: 
grep max-post-size /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/configuration/ca-standalone-full-ha.xml 

7)  Stop and start IM using the following command: 


8) Login in IM Management Console and try import the IME Role XML