PAM-CMN-1018: Configuration Password is still the default value
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PAM-CMN-1018: Configuration Password is still the default value


Article ID: 106324


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


When a PAM administrator logs on to PAM, the warning "PAM-CMN-1018: Configuration Password is still the default value" is displayed near the top of the PAM dashboard.


Component: CAPAMX


The PAM administrator never set a new password for the config user, or it was reset to the default from the VM console or the front panel of a hardware appliance.


1) Access URL: https://<Your PAM address>/config/ 

2) In the pop-up window, enter: User Name: config / Password: config 

3) When you are logged in, click "Change Password" on the left panel

4) Insert the new password in the "Password" and "Confirm" fields (in the Change Config User Login Id and Password panel) 

5) In the same panel, click Update

Additional Information

See also documentation page Alternate Configuration Utility and sub-page Change Login for Config or Super User.

Note that the config user password is NOT stored in the database. Loading an old database backup may restore a previous super user password, but it will have no effect on the config user password.