By default, the maximum number of rows in an iDash Report is 5000. This KB article shows how to increase the maximum number of rows.
1. Login to the iDash Admin Tool
2. Go to the 'Maximum Rows for Reports' parameter
<Please see attached file for image>
src="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=0150c000004AJpwAAG" alt="idash-1.jpg" width="455" height="281">3. Increase the value accordingly
NOTE: Click on the Help icon
<Please see attached file for image>
src="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=0150c000004AJpyAAG" alt="idash-3.jpg" width="28" height="24">. If you are going to increase the rows on the report to over 100k, you must the max-heap-size value.<Please see attached file for image>
src="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=0150c000004AJpxAAG" alt="idash-2.jpg" width="712" height="123">For more information on how to configure the max-heap-size value, see Configure a CA Workload Automation iDash Server.