A script on first load indicates that a function is not found (see below error), but on refresh it executes successfully
CA Service Catalog 17.x
This may be a timing issue.
While it may not always solve the problem this can sometimes be solved by setting the scope and then switching to that scope.
Couple of examples:
Example #1onLoadFormCommon : function(){
departmentcostcenterhidden = false;
var scope = ca_fd.fdScope;
var formid = ca_fd.formId;
setTimeout( function(){
Example #2
var scope = ca_fd.fdScope;
var id = ca_fd.formId;
ca_reportQuery('get-user-supervisor', { 'userid': for_user }, function (rows) { ca_fd.switchFdScope(scope,id);ca_fd.js.setSupervisorFromQuery(rows, ca_fd.formId) }, null);
Another possible solution is to add a timeout to the JS code - How to Set a Timer in JavaScript