For Red Hat 6.x and below which use sysvinit please do the following:
cp /opt/CA/AccessControl/samples/system.init/LINUX/S95seos /opt/CA/AccessControl/bin
chmod +x /opt/CA/AccessControl/bin/S95seos
ln -s /opt/CA/AccessControl/bin/S95seos /etc/rc5.d/S95seos
The above assumes that PIM has been installed to the default location of /opt/CA/AccessControl. If it has been installed to a different location, please adjust the paths as necessary.
For Red Hat 7.x which uses systemd, please request fix T6C7004 from CA Technical Support. This contains the file seos.service. Copy this to /etc/systemd/system.
If you have not installed PIM to the default location of /opt/CA/AccessControl, you will need to edit seos.service and modify the line below to reflect the location you have installed it to:
Execute the following to ensure that the PIM agent is started at boot:
systemctl enable seos.service
If you are unable to request T6C7004 from CA Technical Support, you can use the following for seos.service:
Description=Service to start CA Privileged Identity Manager
After=network.service NetworkManager.service NetworkManager-wait-online.service
Note that the above are also applicable to other supported linux distributions/versions, not just Red Hat.