how to move or enroll an existing enrolled CA API Gateway to another CA API Portal EE 4.2.x Tenant
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how to move or enroll an existing enrolled CA API Gateway to another CA API Portal EE 4.2.x Tenant


Article ID: 106232


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CA API Developer Portal CA API Gateway


When moving an already enrolled CA API Gateway to another CA API Portal tenant.


CA API Portal EE 4.2.x
CA API Gateway 9.2 CR05 and above / CA API Gateway 9.3
Existing Portal Tenant and enrolled Gateway(s) to it.
New Portal Tenant to which one would move/enroll the above Gateway(s).


Clean Up the API Gateway and Portal Enrollment information.
Step 1. Clean up the tenant API Gateway:
    1.1 In the Policy Manager, log in to the Gateway as a Gateway administrator.
    1.2 On the Tasks menu, click Certificates, Keys and Secrets and Manage Certificates. Use the dialog to remove the PSSG and DSSG certificates (as well as TSSG one if exists). Note: Do not delete the API Gateway’s self-signed SSL certificate.
    1.3 On the Tasks menu, click Certificates, Keys and Secrets and Manage Private Keys. Use the dialog to remove the portalman private key.
    1.4 On the Tasks menu, click Global Settings and Manage Scheduled Tasks. Use the dialog to remove all scheduled tasks.
    1.5 On the Tasks menu, click Global Settings and Manage Cluster-wide Properties. Use the dialog to remove all properties that begin with portal.
    1.6 On the tasks menu, click Extensions and Add-Ons, select the Manage Solution kits and Uninstall the OAuthSolutionKit.
    1.7 For each API created on this Gateway, remove the Portal Integration from it by removing the "Include Policy Fragment: Portal Service Preface" and the "Set as Portal Managed Service" assertions and save those API's.
    1.7 Reboot this Gateway.

Step 2. Remove the API Gateway from the API Portal:
    2.1 Log in to the API Portal as an API Portal administrator.
    2.2 Click the Services icon.
    2.3 Click Publish, Proxies.
    2.4 On the API Proxy page, find the Gateway. Its state is Cluster is currently pending enrollment completion.
    2.5 Click Delete beside the Gateway you want to remove.

Then re-install Oauth Solution Kit, create your new tenant proxy and enroll your Gateway (Proxy) with the new tenant.
Update all your Gateway created API's with the needed "Include Policy Fragment: Portal Service Preface" and the "Set as Portal Managed Service" assertions and save those API's.
Restart the Gateway and verify the enrollment and API's status on the Portal Tenant UI.