Cross-Report Index name list missing for some clients
Article ID: 106214
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Output Management Document ViewerOutput Management Web Viewer
Some users don't see the index name list when they first click on the cross-report indexes tab in Web Viewer. Because they don’t see the list of index names, they’re forced to enter the index name and policy number in the index criteria. When they do that, they see the error, "ERROR CCI CONV EXCEPTION NULL, FAILURE CAUGHT DURING CCI ISSUE REQUEST". If they don’t enter the index name but enter a policy #, the list of index names will appear after they hit the GO button.
Release: Component: WBVLUW
This complaint was re-evaluated recently and findings are that this is not a problem because the Web Viewer is behaving the same as is green-screen CA View. The same test produces the same results in both the green screen and 12.1 Web Viewer.
Additional Information
On the filter and cross report indexes settings dialog enter D* in the Names column, and S* in the Values column and click “Go”. Thinking that index names that began with the letter D that contained values that began with the letter S would be displayed in the Index Name List. Index names that began with the letter D are displayed correctly, but the index values that are contained in the index names did not begin with the letter S only. As the following message is displayed after selecting the index name “DEPTNO”, “Warning: There are no index values that match the above search criteria”. The same index names that are displayed in the Index Name List in Web Viewer 12.1 are displayed in View on the green screen. Selected the index name “DEPTNO”, and the message “No indexes found” is displayed. This at first seemed like an enhancement that needed to be made in CA View, and not an Web Viewer problem. But, a new feature is not recommended as the customer may simply make a Web Viewer favorite from an index. Then, after bringing up the favorite, select an index name and then a value and the application will then return what the customer sought. Web Viewer Favorites will recall what they need from tape/if the report is offline and they employ EAS.