How do I apply CA DADS Plus PTFS RO91358, RO96817 and RO99057?
How do I apply CA DADS Plus PTFS RO91358, RO96817 and RO99057?
Article ID: 106111
Updated On: 07-11-2018
The client is upgrading CA DADS Plus for CICS to CTS 5.4. The client has downloaded PTFS RO91358, RO96817 and RO99057 to their PC. All three of this PTFS are save on their workstation as Fix #.BIN For example RO91358.BIN
My questions are:
1. What SMPE control cards do I use to apply these fixes, since there is no associated 'text' file for these fixes? 2. What DCB do I specify when I upload these .BIN files from my workstation to the mainframe? record format? logical record length? Block size?
Please upload these fixes from your PC to the mainframe BINARY into a RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLK SIZE=3120 PDS. Call the member name in the PDS the fix number. Then the PDS - member name is listed on the SMPPTFIN entry as in the JCL below.
Once you upload the fix to the mainframe if you browse the PDS(RO91358) you will see the SMP/E control cards followed by the text deck fix.
Below is sample for applying RO91358 and is the same for these five fixes.
NOTE: OS40SMPE is the SAME PROC used to install the CA DADS Plus base product.