DBLibWaitTime vs DBEventReconnect
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DBLibWaitTime vs DBEventReconnect


Article ID: 106080


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


Can changing the value for the DBLibWaitTime vs DBEventReconnect parameter in the config file accomplish the same thing?


Component: ATSYS


DBEventReconnect controls how many attempts must fail before AutoSys does a rollover. AutoSys waits a hardcoded minute between each attempt. DBLibWaitTime controls how long to wait before AutoSys considers a query execution failure. The longer the DBLibWaitTime, the longer it will be before AutoSys invokes the database monitoring system. Once invoked, the database monitoring system uses DBEventReconnect to delay rollover as long as each attempt fails until it exhausts the number of connects. Even though either value would affect the time for a rollover to occur, it is recommended to increase the DBEventReconnect value. AutoSys will delay the rollover one minute per reconnect attempt.