More *BYPASS* events in TSSUTIL since r16 installed
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More *BYPASS* events in TSSUTIL since r16 installed


Article ID: 106064


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Top Secret


Since we put r16 on, we are seeing many INI/TRM events in the TSSUTIL for IKJ* programs.  
For example:
*BYPASS* DPS00010 T F    IKJEFT01                     OK+B  INI  
*BYPASS* DPS00010 T F    IKJEFT01                     OK+B  TRM  
*BYPASS* RMMHOUSE T F    IKJEFT01                     OK+B  INI  
*BYPASS* RMMHOUSE T F    IKJEFT01                     OK+B  TRM  
*BYPASS*                       T F    IKJEFLC                      OK+B  INI  
*BYPASS*                       T F    IKJEFLC                      OK+B  TRM  
*BYPASS* RMMHOUSE T F    IKJEFT01                     OK+B  INI  
*BYPASS* RMMHOUSE T F    IKJEFT01                     OK+B  TRM  
*BYPASS*                       T F    IKJEFLC                      OK+B  INI  
*BYPASS*                       T F    IKJEFLC                      OK+B  TRM  

Is this to be expected or is there something we need to eliminate/reduce these events?


Component: TSSMVS


Regarding the entries that you see in the TSSUTIL report for programs IKJEFT01 and IKJEFLC (You may also see events for programs IKJEFT1A and IKJEFT1B): 

Having userid '*BYPASS*' is normal processing that occurs during a TSO signon. TSO issues a signon for user '*BYPASS*' in order to extract the default TSO settings during signon. 

The order of processing for TSO is a RACROUTE VERIFY, ENVIRON=CREATE for user '*BYPASS*', then an extract is done for the TSO default setting, and then a sign off. Once this is completed the user goes through signon processing. 

It looks like this processing of TSO issuing the signon for '*BYPASS* started as early as 1993 from other issues we’ve had reported. You can use the TSS installation exit to suppress these entries if needed.