Search Maximum of 9999 pages with OM Web Viewer 12.1
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Search Maximum of 9999 pages with OM Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 106042


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


The current maximum number of pages available for a search request in an OM Web Viewer Report Browse is 9999.  In the View® Green Screen, the report can be  searched without a page limitation.  We have been asked to increase the limit.

Does OM Web Viewer only search 9999 page at a time in reports? Can it do more at a time?




  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • View®


This limit has been raised to 19,999 (20,000) pages with APAR SO05064 CUMULATIVE BUILD 190 FOR WEB VIEWER 12.1.  Apply the latest cumulative maintenance.

This limit can be found here:

Administration->Preferences->General Preferences->Search-> Maximum pages per Search