Automation Point needs to communicate with other products, devices.
This is done by using the TCPIP IP address, or TCPIP hostname.. However also via specific ports sometimes.
These ports are sometimes protected by a proxy or firewall.
What ports does AP use?
Can they be modified?
And if so, where can they be modified?
Component: ATMXC
For the new Automation Point r11.x server install, here some information on the ports used by AP.
The ports AP uses depends on the services you install :
23 Automation Point - Telnet Session
389 Automation Point - NM web Security Options : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Notification, Notification Manager, NM Security
444 Automation Point - Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP)
1202 Automation Point - CCI-PC (unencrypted) : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Events Interface, OPS/MVS EMA, CCI Settings
1203 Automation Point - CCI-PC (encrypted) : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Events Interface, OPS/MVS EMA, CCI Settings
1721 Automation Point - CCI-dist (encrypted) : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Events Interface, OPS/MVS EMA, CCI Settings
2000 Automation Point - PPQs - configurable : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Infrastructure, PPQ
4099 Automation Point - NM website
5099 Automation Point - NM Web Gateway : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Notification, Notification Manager, NM Website
5500 Automation Point - Remote Viewing : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Remote Viewing
5501 Automation Point - Unicenter Security for AP Sessions
5700 Automation Point - Netspeak - configurable : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, AP Desktop Settings
7000 Automation Point - CCI-dist (unencrypted) : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Events Interface, OPS/MVS EMA, CCI Settings
7000-7004 AP to NSM
8443 Automation Point - Tomcat for TLS
9803 AP Web services - notification : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Infrastructure, Web Services, Automation
9804 AP Web services - notification : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Infrastructure, Web Services, Notification
All the ports are TCP.
And the HMC and SNMP ports are both UDP and TCP ports.
AP can use TN3270 :
AP uses a communication server that supports TN3270 (such as OSA-Integrated Console Controller (OSA-ICC) or IBM 2074 Console Controller)
to host either operating consoles or VTAM applications using TN3270E connections through IBM 3278/3279 model 2,3,4, or 5 display terminals.
And for TN5250 :
For IBM iSeries connections, Automation Point supports the 5292 terminal type only. This provides a 24x80 screen size.
If you want to use the HAF interface to monitor HMC messages, AP uses these specific ports :
**** CMOS Processors
Default port for the NM SQL access is 1433.
Configurable since AP 11.4
MS SQL and Tomcat ports are defaults specified by their vendors and can be subject of changes by them..
Until Automation Point release 11.6 these ports are also used:
6200 Automation Point - WebMV : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Web Msg Viewer, Advanced
6205 Automation Point - WebMV : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Web Msg Viewer, Advanced
6300 Automation Point - WebMV : Changed via AP Config Mngr, Expert, Automation, Web Msg Viewer, Advanced
With Automation Point release 11.7 they are not used anymore. The WebMV (Web Message Viewer) of Automation Point was replaced by the new Console Manager, which is using the ports 9803 and 9804.