Clearing the item and group cache may be needed from time to time to help resolve an issue. Clearing the item and group cache can be helpful when having synchronization issues in NetOps Portal.
All supported releases of NetOps Performance Management
Clear the ITEM cache and GROUP cache, then resync.
To clear the ITEM cache, run the following command. Note that you need to type in your own NetOps Portal hostname in the URL part of the command:
curl -kv -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '</emptybody>' -u admin:admin http://portalHostname:8181/pc/center/webservice/invalcache/ITEM?
To clear the GROUP cache, run the following command. Again, type your own NetOps Portal hostname in the URL part of the command:
curl -kv -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '</emptybody>' -u admin:admin http://portalHostname:8181/pc/center/webservice/invalcache/GROUP?
admin:admin = the username:password of the admin default user, the admin user must be used, change the password accordingly
portalHostname = the hostname or IP Address of the NetOps Portal system. If you run this from the Netops Portal itself then can be used.
If NetOps Portal is running https, change the port and protocol accordingly for the Netops Portal URL in the commands above