After installing windows security patches the Primary Scheduler will not stay running. The following error appears in the event_demon log:
CAUAJM_I_40275 Log Rollover level set to <MIDNIGHT,SIZE(100),PURGE(0)>.
CAUAJM_E_90010 Unable to load CAUEVT.DLL <The specified module could not be found.>.
CAUAJM_E_00131 An unrecoverable error has occurred or the maximum number of allowable errors has been exceeded. Unicenter Event Management messaging has been disabled.
CAUAJM_I_40297 Unicenter Event Management messaging interface initialized successfully
CAUAJM_I_40244 EnableIPCaching value set to <1>.
CAUAJM_I_40244 AggregateStatistics value set to <1>.
CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: SQLServerHostName,1433:AEDB.
CAUAJM_I_40218 **** Time offset between CA WAAE and Event Server 1 is -1 seconds. ****
CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance information.
CAUAJM_W_40328 System appears to be in failover state. Checking for shadow activity.
CAUAJM_W_40329 The shadow is still active. The primary cannot continue.
CAUAJM_E_10503 CA WAAE primary scheduler encountered a problem starting up and must shut down.
CAUAJM_I_40248 CA WAAE scheduler shutdown complete. Exiting.