Unable to load CAUEVT.DLL
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Unable to load CAUEVT.DLL


Article ID: 105954


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


After installing windows security patches the Primary Scheduler will not stay running. The following error appears in the event_demon log:

 CAUAJM_I_40275 Log Rollover level set to <MIDNIGHT,SIZE(100),PURGE(0)>. 
 CAUAJM_E_90010 Unable to load CAUEVT.DLL <The specified module could not be found.>. 
 CAUAJM_E_00131 An unrecoverable error has occurred or the maximum number of allowable errors has been exceeded. Unicenter Event Management messaging has been disabled. 
 CAUAJM_I_40297 Unicenter Event Management messaging interface initialized successfully 
 CAUAJM_I_40244 EnableIPCaching value set to <1>. 
CAUAJM_I_40244 AggregateStatistics value set to <1>. 
CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: SQLServerHostName,1433:AEDB. 
CAUAJM_I_40218 **** Time offset between CA WAAE and Event Server 1 is -1 seconds. **** 
CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance information. 
CAUAJM_W_40328 System appears to be in failover state. Checking for shadow activity. 
CAUAJM_W_40329 The shadow is still active. The primary cannot continue. 
CAUAJM_E_10503 CA WAAE primary scheduler encountered a problem starting up and must shut down. 
CAUAJM_I_40248 CA WAAE scheduler shutdown complete. Exiting.



Component: ATSYS


Problem seems to be with the FAILBACK mode in the config file. It depends on how the user sets this up. It can be set where you don't have to stop the shadow, but this message can occur and the primary will not start if didn't get set it up that way.


1) Stop the shadow machine
2) Then start the primary
3) Start the shadow backup
4) Now run a job and should complete successfully