The 'Inventory -> Sites' menu tab in NetOps Portal does not show the items for Sites, although a lot of sites have been added and exist.
DX NetOps CAPM all currently supported releases
The appearance of the 'Inventory -> Sites' menu choice is tied to NFA data source Sites.
- CAPM generated Site Group types are only visible in the NetOps Portal Dashboards Views (e.g. Network Performance ) other than from the Inventory->Site menu option
- NFA synchronized Sites are only visible via the Inventory->Site menu option
This is expected behavior when there are no Sites Groups synchronized to CAPM from the Network Flow Analysis (NFA) data source.
The appearance of the Inventory -> Sites menu choice is tied to NFA data source Sites. The appearance of that Inventory menu choice is driven by the population of the t_site
and dst_site
tables in netqosportal database. The only Sites that are written to the t_site
and dst_site
tables are those contributed by the NFA data source.
Site group types created within the CAPM Manage Groups page are only written to the t_group
and dst_group
database tables, not the t_site
or dst_site
As a result, the following is the expected behavior:
- The Inventory->Sites menu option only appears when Sites are created in NFA, and NFA data source is synchronized to NetOps Portal.
- Site group types created in CAPM are not directly equivalent to Sites created in NFA and thus are treated differently.
- The Inventory->Sites menu option only contains Sites synchronized to CAPM from the NFA data source
- Use the default Site list type View in a Dashboard to list all Site based groups created in CAPM but it will not list Sites contributed from the NFA data source.
In summary:
- CAPM generated Site group types are only visible in the NetOps Portal Dashboards and Views (e.g. Network Performance ) other than the Inventory->Site option
- NFA synchronized Sites are only visible via the Inventory -> Site menu option