PDSM09 utility can make a flat file, suitable as SYSIN input into IEBUPDTE to reload to another PDS.
This would be printable, readable, etc, and, since each member has a ./ ADD in between each member, each member is easily identifiable within the file.
The utility was pulled from the doc and it is not back in the manual yet.
Documentation can be found in the OLDDOC member of CPDSTXT target library and a sample can be found in the CPDSSAMP target library
PDSM09 Sample:
//PDSMJ09 JOB <job card parameters>
//* *
//* PDSMJ09 - Sample JCL for executing the PDSMAN Member Backup *
//* in IEBUPDTE Format utility (PDSM09). *
//* *
//* *
//* The PDSMAN Member Backup in IEBUPDTE Format utility (PDSM09) *
//* is used to create a copy of PDS members in a format suitable *
//* for use as input to the IEBUPDTE utility. *
//* *
//* *
//* Execution Parameters - EXEC PARM='Ñmemsel' or *
//* EXEC PARM='' (no parameters) *
//* *
//* Ñmemsel Member selection critieria, as described in the *
//* section 'Member Selection'. *
//* *
//* *
//* DD Statements *
//* *
//* PDSMRPT Defines the output report data set (required). *
//* *
//* PDSMPDS Defines the location of the library containing *
//* the members to be processed (required). *
//* *
//* PDSMOUT Defines a sequential output data set to which *
//* IEBUPDTE utility control statements and data are *
//* written (RECFM=80, BLKSIZE=F or FB) (required). *
//* *
//* PDSMSEL Defines an alternate location for supplying *
//* member selection criteria, as described in the *
//* secion "Member Selection" (optional). *
//* *
//* *
//* Member Selection *
//* *
//* Member selection is controlled by supplying a parameter in *
//* the PARM field of the EXEC statement or by specifying one or *
//* more control statements in the PDSMSEL DD input. *
//* *
//* Member selection criteria are optional. If none are specified *
//* all members are selected. If both PARM and PDSMSEL input are *
//* specified, PDSMSEL is used and PARM is ignored. *
//* *
//* The format of the member selection control statement or *
//* parameter is: *
//* *
//* Parameter Description *
//* --------------- --------------------------------------------- *
//* membername Select the indicated member. *
//* prefix* Select all members with the indicated prefix. *
//* prefix1-prefix2 Select all members in the prefix range. *
//* * Select all members. *
//* *
//* A plus sign (+) is treated as a single wild character that *
//* causes that character position to be ignored in the selection *
//* process. *
//* *
//* *
//* Instructions *
//* *
//* 1) Add an appropriate job card. *
//* *
//* 2) Change Ñinputlibrary to the name of the library for *
//* which IEBUPDTE control statements are being generated. *
//* *
//* 3) Change Ñoutputlibrary to the name of the library member *
//* or sequential data set where the IEBUPDTE format output *
//* is to be written. *
//* *
//* 4) Change Ñoutputspace to a space allocation sufficient to *
//* hold the utilty output. *
//* *
//* 5) If you are specifying member selection criteria using *
//* the PDSMSEL DD statement: *
//* *
//* a) Uncomment the PDSMSEL DD statement. *
//* *
//* b) Change Ñmemberselection to the name of a library *
//* member or sequential data set containing member *
//* selection control statements. You can also specify *
//* these statements directly in the JCL stream. *
//* *
//PDSMJ09 EXEC PGM=PDSM09,PARM='Ñmemsel' or '' (No Parameter)
//*-- Report Data Set --*
//*-- Input Library --*
//*-- Sequential Output File --*
// DSN=Ñoutputlibrary,
// SPACE=Ñoutputspace
//*-- Control Data Set --*
//*PDSMSEL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=Ñmemberselection