CA Identity Governance: Getting a error when trying to launch a certification for users in IG
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CA Identity Governance: Getting a error when trying to launch a certification for users in IG


Article ID: 105784


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


"Error: There are no certification tasks to create, review your settings" when using default "User Privilege" certificate template for certification launch.


Component: SGRM


The problem could be with the files - Account Data & Glossary Data - you have had imported. It is possible that the data is mismatched. 

Check in Entity Browser>>Universe>>Account>>Resource for a selected account to confirm. Most probably you will find no resources there. IG is trying to search for resource to initiate the certification campaign but not found any resource with accounts which in turn throws " Error: There are no certification tasks to create, review your settings".

If that is the case, the users are correlating proper but not getting any resource. Correct the files, re-import and try again.