Service Desk Status Transitions
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Service Desk Status Transitions


Article ID: 105695


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SUPPORT AUTOMATION- SERVER CA Service Desk Manager - Unified Self Service CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


This article describes how to define a subset of the full status list and determine the next status of the ticket as it continues through its lifecycle. 

Note: Because status transitions can be shared between integrations such as Events and Macros, do not inactivate predefined status transitions unless explicitly requested.


CA Service Desk Manager - All supported versions.


Follow these steps:

On the Administration tab, select Service Desk, Requests/Incidents/Problems, and specify one of the following:

    • Incident Transitions
    • Problem Transitions
    • Request Transitions

    The Transition List page appears.
  1. Click Create.
  2. The Update Status Transitions page appears.
  3. Complete the fields as appropriate. The following fields require explanation:
    • From Status
      Defines the current status of the ticket, for example, Open.
    • To Status
      Specifies a valid next status of the ticket, for example, Assigned.
    • Default Transition
      Specifies the default status transition. CA SDM uses the default transition when a user clicks the default transition button on the ticket detail page, or when a user (including a web services user) updates the status to a <d> value. You can only configure one default transition for each status (or one for each tenant in a multi-tenanted system).
    • Must Comment
      Indicates that a comment for the transition must be supplied. Specifying this option indicates that an analyst must supply an activity log comment when changing the status on a request.
    • Condition
      Specifies the condition by which the transition is allowed. For example, when the condition "nonprty 1&2 assigned req" is associated with the Request Transition of Acknowledged to Hold, the condition verifies if the transition to move the status from Acknowledged to Hold is allowed.
    • Transition Type
      Links a transition type to this transition. Transition types and their corresponding statuses control when employees can close and reopen Incidents and Requests using self-service. This field only displays for Incident and Request status transitions.
    • Condition Error Message
      Specifies the message returned to the user if the transition is rejected.

    The transition is defined.
  4. Click Save, Close Window.
    The transition appears in the Transition List when you refresh the page.