Installing MLSS 2.2.02 (S1806)
Why has Data Collection and Green Highways stopped after applying Release 2.0.02 (S1806) in Environments with no Internet Access?
After applying CA Mainframe Operational Intelligence 2.0.02 (S1806), data collection and Green Highways do not flow in site environments where access to websites outside the company firewall is restricted. Additional symptoms include the Appliance Controller and logs showing the MAAS microservice remaining in an Unhealthy status and the “Message Service Hub” microservice in Exited status.
This happens because Release 2.0.02 (S1806) requires Internet access to retrieve a schema definition file.
The is a known issue related certificates. After upgrading to the latest release, a new keystore must be generated to work with https mode.
To obtain a patch which removes the requirement to access the internet (outside firewall access), contact Broadcom Support and the fix will be provided to you through an upload to your Support Case.
This fix will also be included in a near-term maintenance patch to Release 2.0.02 (S1806).