How to create a report on data sets that should not be in the Master Catalog?
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How to create a report on data sets that should not be in the Master Catalog?


Article ID: 105633


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


The customer needs a report that lists all data sets that should not be in their Master Catalog (MCAT).
As a starting point, they would review all entries in the Master Catalog which are not for SYS1.** data sets.
They probably have other data sets, other than SYS1.**, that are okay to be there, 
but if they can start with that list, then they would be able to pare it down. 

How to create a report on data sets that should not be in the Master Catalog?


Component: VANT


1) User View
Create a corresponding User View based on the BCS Data Set Entries (CATALOGF) object in the Vantage GUI: 
=> Catalog Mangament 
  => BCS Data Set Entries  
and apply the following filter:  
This will list all data sets cataloged in the Master Catalog not being SYS1.** data sets.    
Save the filter and check the result. 
Refine the filter as needed.
Finally, save the view as a User View, e.g. MCATLIST. 

2) GOA Script
If you want to schedule this report, create a corresponding GOA script (e.g. MCATLIST) via the GOA Wizard: 
=> right-click on "BCS Data Set Entries" in the GUI tree  
=> select "General Object Automation" to start the GOA Wizard 
=> apply the filter used in the user view 
=> Choose to submit a job to print the report from the GOA script, 
or choose sending an email e.g. with message text: 
BCS filter mastercat 
Catalog=%%CATNAVN%%  DSN=%%CATDSN%% 

=> at the end, "save, activate and execute the script"