NCM device backup is not working in DX Netops Spectrum
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NCM device backup is not working in DX Netops Spectrum


Article ID: 104945


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


NCM backup is not working




This problem arises from the following possible causes;

1. If the device is discovered with Read Only SNMP Community string (RO).

2.If SCP and privileges are not set correctly.


Check the following steps when capturing using SSH/SCP:

1.Device should be discovered using Read Write SNMP Community string (RW)

2. The following configuration lines should be present

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local group tacacs+
aaa authorization exec default local group tacacs+
ip scp server enable

Additional Information

The following Broadcom (CA Technologies) community discussion provide further details:

Broadcom Communities - To perform NCM capture using SSH/SCP, why RW access with privilege 15 is required. Why not RO access?