Feature in TSS for Batch submisson
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Feature in TSS for Batch submisson


Article ID: 104937


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Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Can it be done through security as well. For example a pgm can submit 1000 jobs at one 15 minute interval etc. Can we control this through TSS? A limit to set intrdr job submit number in one interval .
(by user or by pgm )

Hi, We are working on batch control and inventory and do necessary actions to control job submit through intrdr but until that comes: Right now there is no mechanism to stop any program being in loop to send 50000 jobs through intrdr of ims region and cause an outage through jes2. Can it be done through security as well? For example a pgm can submit 1000 jobs at one 15 minute interval etc. Can we control this through TSS? A limit to set intrdr job submit number in one interval . (by user or by pgm ) Regards,




Top Secret cannot provide the option you require.

Have you considered using a JES2 Exit?
EXIT 52 would seem ideal for what you require.
Exit 52 allows you to process information specified on the JOB JCL statement for jobs submitted through internal readers or TCP/IP NJE. (For jobs submitted through card readers, RJE, SNA and BSC NJE, and SPOOL reload, exit 2 is called for JOB JCL statements.) Exit 52 is invoked for the initial JOB statement and each continuation of the JOB card. The initial JOB card and all continuations are read before invoking the exit. Using Exit 52 you can: •Add, delete, change information specified on the JOB statement. If you are adding information, such as accounting information, you can create an additional JOB continuation statements. •Indicate which spool volumes from which a job or transaction program should allocate spool space, if the installation did not implement spool partitioning through the JES2 initialization stream. •Add JCL statements or JES2 control statements (JECL) to the job. •Cancel, purge, or continue processing the job. •Indicate whether additional job-related exits should be invoked for the job. •Override the value of the user portion of the job correlator.